Friday 21 August 2015

Why You Shouldn't Drink Alcohol

Alcoholism has been recorded as one of the serious social problems facing all countries in the world today. Which includes poverty, crime, business failure, broken homes and most importantly affects the health to the extent that it can cause impotence, sterility, cancer and even death.
Here are some of the reasons you shouldn't consume alcohol:

◆ Accident: A very large traffic/road accident has been related to alcohol consumption. This we should not folds our arms,  because it concerns everyone, those that drink and those that doesn't. Sometimes when an accident happened, not only those that drink alcohol are affected.
◆ Alcohol increase the risk of hypertension, stroke and also does extensive damage to the heart muscles.
It also depress respiratory functions thus affecting smooth breaking and also has a great tendency to Snoor.
◆ It can cause irregular menstrual cycles in women and lead to the malfunctioning of the ovaries.
◆ According to the report credited to the America National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency is closely linked with virtually every negative aspect of society. This include suicide, violence, rape, crime, birth defects, accident, murderer, domestic and sexual abuse.
It's said to be the number one drug problem for people from all walks of life which knows no race.
◆ Another disturbing and alarming statistics credited to alcohol consumption is that it's impact serious damage on babies mental performance, making a child who's parent are alcoholics or engaged in the use of alcohol to be mentally deficient and experience mental derailment later in life
◆ Alcohol also produces what's called marked paranoid reactions in some people.  This make such person to take revenge on others around them especially those that have offended them before.
The person going by Dr Anderson's report may develop severe symptoms of peripheral neutristist in which the nerves become weakened and deteriorated.
◆ People who drink alcohol may suffer personality problem or inferiority. The person personality may decorated to the extent that he/she becomes shiftless, lazy, undependable, unreliable, disappointing and unintelligent.

With all the reasons listed above,  it's therefore advisable not to drink alcohol.
Also if you want to increase your endurance, slow down the aging clock, lower cholesterol, reverse heart disease, avoid diabetes, cancer, liver cirrhosis, avoid high blood pressure and live longer, then you must indeed stay away from alcohol.

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