Sunday 26 February 2017

Five guides that will help you to follow your instincts

"Invention is the mother of necessities" you are probably thinking of pointing out my error because you are used to this phrase "Necessity is the mother of invention". The truth is that both phrases are true but the first phrase has been unpopular because history isn't a popular course. Whereas without history success is almost impossible.

Scientists know that most of their inventions are products of their instincts. When motor engines were first invented they weren't accepted because men are habitual in nature. Humans had been using horses as means of transportation for over 6000 years before the first motor engine, so there was no stimulus for the change in habit until after several years as the technology become more fine tuned. So motored vehicles were not made because men needed a faster means of transportation, because they weren't faster than horses initially. Rather it was because instinct pushed some men to think differently. Likewise, airplanes and ships were not invented because most men thought it necessary but because few men allowed their instinct to prevail. As younger man I read in the history books I found in the library of St. Peter's College Olomore, Abeokuta, Ogun state in Nigeria years back that scientists that thought differently that the world wasn't flat and that heaven wasn't located beyond the sky were hanged. A popular bible story "The Tower of Babel" also supported this dogma that God gave men different Languages because they were trying to build a Tower as high as the Heavens. So if you choose to follow your instincts then you must be ready to be the different.

So what is instinct? Instinct is a way of behaving, thinking or feeling that is not learned, a natural desire or tendency that makes you. Instinct is why our world is more developed more than that of the other animals, it is the reason we have not like birds remained cave men. It is written in the bible that we are all members of the same body, it said just like no part of the body can claim to be more important than the other we are all equal. In learning to use our instinct lies our uniqueness, but unfortunately the world system forces us to think differently that some are born smarter than the other. Our smartness lies in our ability to follow our instincts and to realise that our culture, tradition and people may disapprove of these nudges.

This article was inspired by a film I watched "Revenant" in which the lead actor Leonardo de Caprio screen named Hugh Glass endured the worst form of pains, hardships yet survived where others perished. When Glass found himself caught in a cold snowy weather and his only companion was his dead horse that has just been kiled in a battle. Depending on his instinct he cut the horse opened, removed all the intestines and buried himself in the belly of the dead horse until the weather became favourable. So how can you follow your instincts, because if you don't do your time on Earth would be wasted.
Here are the five guides:

1. Dare to be different, you will eventually die.

2. Stop proscatinating, proscatination is the opposite of decision. To follow your instinct you must learn to make decisions on your feet. Don't leave them till tomorrow.

3. Be responsible, it is your life whichever way you end up you will win.

4. Careless about what other people think or feel, they remain their personal opinions.

5. Learn from your painfull and joyful moments, don't only cry and celebrate but learn. Remember Newton's third law of motion, action and reaction are equal and opposite. As a baby you learnt how to walk by falling down and forcing yourself back to your feet in cycles until you could run. And you didn't think you needed prayers but only depended on your instincts and kept trying until you could run.

If you have learnt anything from this article be generous enough to share it with your friends.

This Article was written by Oderinlo Oluwatoyin Lee James

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